Wednesday, 31 August 2016


We interpreted our poem  about the Green Giant by listening carefully to each sentence  then we drew our own Giants. They all look so good.


Monday, 22 August 2016

Algebra in Room 10

We have been learning about patterns. We can copy, continue and show repeating patterns using colour, shape and other elements.

Our Art

Maui and the sun.

We had to learn how to do pencil sketches using the paper effectively and making the drawing as bold as possible with a vivid.  We enjoyed adding detail to the picture. It really looks good displayed in our classroom.

These are our Manu Tukutuku (Maori Kites)

Using tracing paper and markers we made our designs and we used bold colors. The structure is made from skewers held together with duct tape. The feathers on the corners really made our manu tukutuku  look good. We are very proud of our work.